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As your certified Sleep Consultant, I offer you unyielding support and a personalized approach to clear away the confusion and provide you and your family the long-term well-being you deserve. Take a look at my services and see how we can work together to achieve your family’s health and wellness goals.


Free 15 minute consultation

Would you like clarity on deciding what package best fits your sleep needs? Schedule a free 15 minute call where we will discuss your current sleep situation, talk through your parent philosophy & eliminate any preconceived notions around the world of sleep training. I am happy to answer any questions to provide clarity of how the process works so that we can get you headed towards sweet dreams!

Service 1
Service 2
Service 3

The Rested Mom does not provide any medical advice, treatment, or service to their clients or followers. If you have a medical question please reach out to your doctor or pediatrician for further evaluation.


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